As a minister in the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, you qualify for certain biblically supported Ecclesiastical rights. For reference review the following; Luke 10:7; I Cor. 9:3-11. Moreover, the presiding Bishop of the Church of God by Faith has confirmed his allegiance with you and his support of the preceding scriptures. As such we, hereby set forth the following policy for those ministerial students qualified for ordination in Church of God by Faith Theological Institute (CTI) program. This policy includes, both male and female candidates who meet the following stipulations. This policy, likewise, further stipulates guidelines and requisites for the local church assembly.
1. Submit a written request for vestment assistance at least 90 days before the date of his ordination or be prepared to be refunded by the local church after making a purchase. Such refunds, will only be granted with a detailed vendor provided receipt. Without such a receipt the church should not grant a refund, under any circumstance.
2. Obtain not less than two valid approval signatures, including: his local church pastor and the District Superintendent who leads the District to which his church is a member of and or a Ruling Elder. Without a written formal request from the student candidate no funds can be released from a local church.
3. Take full responsibility for maintenance, storage, upkeep and ownership of these vestments, because of their personal and tailored nature, which the local church has extended financial assistance
Is limited to only assist with the purchase of the following National Church approved “Class A” vestments, all other requests are outside the scope of this policy.
- 1 Black Roman Catholic Cassock
- 1 Black Clerical Shirt
- 1 White Clerical Collar with buttons
- 1 Black Tippet
- 1 Square Yoke Surplice
Has the right to review and limit the number of candidates supported within a given time frame or negotiate a reasonable approach to satisfy the qualified student candidate(s)
The local church is not required or obligated to assist with the purchase of any vestment but, must fairly consider each request, understanding students from their assemblies, reflect them. Therefore, once made, it must honor any and all commitments made to any student candidate.